Infiltration Server
You can send e-mail to games (at) with questions or issues.
General Info
- Hostname:
- UT v451 Dedicated for Linux running on OpenBSD 4.7/i386
- Infiltration 2.9 with:
- Bonus Pack
- IMT Weapons Pack 1.5.1
- CheckLoadout (for CQB rules)
- ReportDirection
- M2HB AimView
- CQB configuration.
- Small maps, weapons restricted to SMGs, Shotguns, Pistols.
Map List
- DM-INF-Flagstaff
- DM-INF-TheFlood (RealMaps)
- DM-INF-Murkwood (RealMaps)
- DM-INF-Peru (RealMaps)
- DM-INF-Siberia
- DM-Archives][ (Nali City)
- DM-INF-Swamprat (RealMaps)
- DM-INF-beached (RealMaps)
- DM-INF-Chiller (RealMaps)
- DM-INF-MovingDayMassacre (RealMaps)
- DM-INF-Archives (RealMaps)
- DM-INF-Training (Download from BeyondUnreal)
- DM-INF-CanyonCondo (Download from BeyondUnreal)
- DM-INF-BigClapper-2 (RealMaps)
Maps available on the server, not in rotation:
- DM-INF-Gallery (RealMaps)
- DM-INF-DocksideWE (CombatMaps)
In the works
- "Infantry" configuration.
- Large to midsize maps, SMGs, flashbangs, flashlights, dot sights disabled. Standard 40mm grenades only. EAS or TDM.
- "Specialist" configuration.
- Small to midsize maps, no weapon restrictions. Gametype is up in the air.