ArmA 3

ArmA3 is an interesting beast. The Altis map is so big, if you try to run a full-scale op on the island it can cripple even some of the most current top tier server hardware. There's some ways to mitigate this and improve performance but the best thing to do is to manage your expectations as a player and try to limit the amount of AI present on the server at any one time.

I struggled to get ArmA 3 to run scenarios decently for a while and ended up taking a long hiatus from the game. There was some interesting drama where a scenario developer for a very popular scenario ended up quitting the community because he was upset that folks were streaming game sessions on his scenario and monetizing the videos. Initially, in ArmA 3 there was little to no "medical" gameplay and you had to use a medical system mod to enable things like revives by medics and dragging bodies. For a while this was broken, and then with one of the big patches they added a basic medical system into the game.

For a while I used to run a custom scenario that I developed based on sample code from the AliVE team for the "insurgency" scenario that was popular in ArmA 2. I built it out in the Zargabad map and tried to tweak it so that there was a good mix of civilian population and pockets of insurgents. But I didn't spend a lot of time building the scenario and it got boring eventually. I quit running the server though I still have the scenario files around here somewhere.

The last time I played ArmA online it was on the Invade & Annex server. It runs with almost no mods (I think the only mod allowed is the JSRS sound pack) but it was a lot of fun and structured very well. It's a PvE scenario which isn't for everyone but is right up my alley.


I used to use Play withSix to manage addons. Now I use the built in tools in the launcher.

Here's a list of addons. Note that not all of these are available via Play withSix.

  • @A3MP
  • @a3tools
  • @alive
  • @asdg_attachments
  • @asdg_jr
  • @caf
  • @caf_ag
  • @cba_a3
  • @ebu_c130
  • @fa18_a3
  • @fhq_accessories
  • @fhq_m4_a3
  • @fsf_sacventral
  • @hiddenidentitypack
  • @jsrs2
  • @JS_JC_FA18
  • @KDK_Mohawk
  • @landtex_a3a
  • @mcc_sandbox_a3
  • @nato_russian_sf_weapons
  • @peral_a-10c
  • @r3f_armes
  • @rh_m4_a3
  • @status_hud
  • @sthud_a3
  • @task_force_radio
  • @TF20 Other v3.7
  • @TF20 Uniforms v2.1
  • @TF20 Weapons v2.2
  • @tmr
  • @u100
  • @vts_weaponresting
  • @xeventsystem
  • \@xmedsys

Test Server

I did eventually get my test server straightened out in a VM. You might very seldom see it running at port 2302. It'll be password protected most likely.